ISO 10502:2012 pdf download

ISO 10502:2012 pdf download.Aerospace -Hose assemblies in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for use up to 232C and 10 500 kPa-Technical specifications and requirements.

3.3.2 Inner tube
The inner tube shall be of a seamless construction of virgin PTFE resin of uniform gauge it shall have a smooth bore and shall be free from pitting or proiections on the inner surface. Additives may be included in the compound from which the tube is extruded.
3.3.3 Reinforcement
The reinforcement shall consist of corrosion-resistant steel wires conforming to the applicable specifications given in 3.2.2. The wires shall be arranged on the outside surface of the inner tube so as to provide sufficient strength to ensure compliance with the requirements of this International Standard.
Broken or missing reinforcing wires or buckled wires more than 1.5mm (0.06 in) above the outside diameter surface shall because for rejection. Cmssed-over reinforcwig wires need not be cause for rejection of the hose assembly
3.3.4 Fittings General
It shall be proven that all fittings comply with the requirements of this International Standard. The hose attachment fitting may be of a permanent or of a reusable design.
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the hose assembly end fittings shall have 24° cone fittings.
3.3,4.2 Insert fittings
Insert fittings shall be manufactured in one piece wherever possible Those constructed of more than one piece shall have either weided pints using butt-weld or lap-weld design, or braze joints using lap-braze design, fabricated from annealed corrosion-resistant steel, titanium or aluminium alloy tubing, Welded and redrawn tubing (materials No. 8 and No. 9; see Annex A) may be used for corrosion-resistant steel.