ISO 12212:2012 pdf download.Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gasindustries - Hairpin-type heat exchangers.
4.7 The purchaser shall specify whether the service is designated as sour in accordance with ISO 15156 (all pats) for od and gas production facilities and natural gas sweetening plants, or designated as wet hydrogen sulfide service in accordance with NACE MROIO3 for other applications (e.g. petroleum refineries, LNG plants and chemical plants), in which case all materials in contact with the process fluid shall meet the requirements of the applicable standard to mitigate potential for sulfide stress cracking (SSC). Identification of the complete set of materials, qualification, fabrication and testing specifications to prevent in-service environmental cracking is the responsibility of the user (purchaser)
NOTE For the purpose of this provision. NICE MRO1TS Is quivalent 10 ISO 15156 (all ports)
5 Proposal information required
5.1 The vendor’s proposal shall include, for each heat exchanger unit, completed data sheets such as those given in Annex C.
5.2 For components that are not fully idenlifled by Clause 3, the vendor shall describe the details of construction and assembly
5.3 The proposal shall Include a detailed description of all exceptions to the requirements of the purchaser’s inqury.
5.4 For stacked heat exchangers, the vendor shall supply the following components unless otherwise specified by the purchaser:
a) bolts, nuts and gaskets for interconnecting nozzles;
b) shims and bolting for interconnecting supports;
c) external, interconnecting tube side piping.
5.5 The vendor shall supply a recommended spare parts list for each hairpin heat exchanger.
6 Drawings and other required data
6.1 Outline drawings and other supporting data
6.1.1 The vendor shall submit, for review by the purchaser, outline drawings for each heat exchanger unit. The drawings shall include the following information:
a) service, item number, proØct name and location, purchaser’s order number, vendor’s shop order number and other special identification numbers;
b) desi, pressure, test pressse. maximum design temperature. minc’ium design metal temperature and any restriction on testing or operation of the heat exchanger.
NOTE For the purpose of this provision. NICE MRO1TS Is quivalent 10 ISO 15156 (all ports)
5 Proposal information required
5.1 The vendor’s proposal shall include, for each heat exchanger unit, completed data sheets such as those given in Annex C.
5.2 For components that are not fully idenlifled by Clause 3, the vendor shall describe the details of construction and assembly
5.3 The proposal shall Include a detailed description of all exceptions to the requirements of the purchaser’s inqury.
5.4 For stacked heat exchangers, the vendor shall supply the following components unless otherwise specified by the purchaser:
a) bolts, nuts and gaskets for interconnecting nozzles;
b) shims and bolting for interconnecting supports;
c) external, interconnecting tube side piping.
5.5 The vendor shall supply a recommended spare parts list for each hairpin heat exchanger.
6 Drawings and other required data
6.1 Outline drawings and other supporting data
6.1.1 The vendor shall submit, for review by the purchaser, outline drawings for each heat exchanger unit. The drawings shall include the following information:
a) service, item number, proØct name and location, purchaser’s order number, vendor’s shop order number and other special identification numbers;
b) desi, pressure, test pressse. maximum design temperature. minc’ium design metal temperature and any restriction on testing or operation of the heat exchanger.