ISO 9225:2012 pdf download.Corrosion of metals and alloys —Corrosivity of atmospheres -Measurement of environmental parameters affecting corrosivity of atmospheres.
Methods for the measurement of environmental parameters to be used specifically for the estimation of low corrosivity of indoor atmospheres (IC) are given in ISO 11844-3.
4 Humidity and temperature parameters
4.1 RelatIve humidity
Reliable long-term average values for relative humidity can often be obtained from the meteorological authorities in the country. Several types of measuring devices can be used if collection of new data for the locality is needed There are several continuous measuring devices, such as hygrographs. thermohygrograplis or logging hygrometers, available on the market.
The penod of measurement is preferably one year in order to cover seasonal variations and because the classification system Is based on yearly average values. The data shall be expressed as yearly mean values.
4.2 Temperature
Reliable long-term average values for temperature can often be obtained from the meteorological authorities in the country, Several types of measuring devices can be used if collection of new data for the locality is needed. There are several continuous measuring devices, such as thermotiygrographs or logging thermometers, available on the market.
The period of measurement is preferably one year in order to cover seasonal variations and because the classification system is based on yearly average values, The data shall be expressed as yearly mean values.
5 AIrborne contaminants
5.1 Principle
The gas concentration or deposition rate may be measured using several techniques:
— continuous gas concentration measunng instruments;
average gas concentration with active sampler and air purT
— average gas concentration with diffusive (passive) sampler:
— average deposition rate equipment.
The results from concentration measurements are typically given ii micrograms per cubic metre (pg/rn3) and. for deposition measurements, in milligrams per square
metre per day.
4 Humidity and temperature parameters
4.1 RelatIve humidity
Reliable long-term average values for relative humidity can often be obtained from the meteorological authorities in the country. Several types of measuring devices can be used if collection of new data for the locality is needed There are several continuous measuring devices, such as hygrographs. thermohygrograplis or logging hygrometers, available on the market.
The penod of measurement is preferably one year in order to cover seasonal variations and because the classification system Is based on yearly average values. The data shall be expressed as yearly mean values.
4.2 Temperature
Reliable long-term average values for temperature can often be obtained from the meteorological authorities in the country, Several types of measuring devices can be used if collection of new data for the locality is needed. There are several continuous measuring devices, such as thermotiygrographs or logging thermometers, available on the market.
The period of measurement is preferably one year in order to cover seasonal variations and because the classification system is based on yearly average values, The data shall be expressed as yearly mean values.
5 AIrborne contaminants
5.1 Principle
The gas concentration or deposition rate may be measured using several techniques:
— continuous gas concentration measunng instruments;
average gas concentration with active sampler and air purT
— average gas concentration with diffusive (passive) sampler:
— average deposition rate equipment.
The results from concentration measurements are typically given ii micrograms per cubic metre (pg/rn3) and. for deposition measurements, in milligrams per square
metre per day.