IS0 10723:2012 pdf download

IS0 10723:2012 pdf download.Natural gas — Performance evaluation for analytical systems.

5 Principle
Performance characteristics of the instrument are determined when used in combination with a specified calibration gas mixture. Therefore, the evaluation procedure can be used to
— determine errors and uncertainties in measured composition and properties over a pre-delined range for each specified component, and
— determine a range for each specified component overwhich the errors and uncertainties in measured composition and properties do not exceed a predefined measurement requirement.
In each case, the performance characteristics are calculated for the instrument when used incombination with a specified calibration gas mixture of known composition and uncertainty.
NOTE 1 The method can also be used to establish the most appropriate composition of the calibration gas mixture to be used routinely with the instrument such that the errors and uncertainties are minimized over a predefined range o use.
A complete assessment of the errors and uncertainties arising from the use of an instrument could be performed by measuring an Infinite series of well•delined reference gas mixtures whose compositions lie within the specified range of operation. However, this is practically impossible. Instead, the principle used in this International Standard is to measure a smaller number of well-defined reference gases and to determine a mathematical description of the response functions for each specified component over a predefined content range. The performance of the instrument can then be modelled offline using these true response functions, the response functions assumed by the instrument’s data system and the reference data for the calibration gas mixture specified for the instrument. The measurement of a large number of gas mixtures can then be simulated offline using numerical methods to determine performance benchmarks inherent in the measurement system.