ISO 10770-2:2012 pdf download

ISO 10770-2:2012 pdf download.Hydraulic fluid power - Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves —Part 2: Test methods for three-port directional flow-control valves.

6.1 Instrument accuracy
Instrumentation shall be accurate to within the limits shown in Class B 01 ISO 9110-1:1990:
a) electrical resistance: ± 2 % of the actual measurement;
c) temperature: ±2 % of the ambient temperature;
d) flow: ± 2,5 % of the valve’s rated flow;
e) irut signal: ± 1.5 % of the electrical input signal required to achieve the rated flow.
6.2 Dynamic range
For the dynamic tests, ensure that the measuring equipment, amplifiers and recording devices do not generate any damping, attenuation or phase shift of the output signal being recorded that would affect the measured value by more than 1 % of the measured value.
7 Electrical tests for valves without integrated electronics
7.1 General
As appropriate, perform the tests described in 7,2 to 7.4 on all valves without integrated electronics before proceeding to subsequent tests.
NOTE Tests 7.2 to 7.4 only apply to current-driven vatves.
7.2 CoIl resistance
7.2.1 Coil resistance (cold)
Carry out the test as follows.
a) Soak the complete un-energized valve at the specified ambient temperature for at least 2 h.
b) Measure and record the electrical resistance between the two leads or terminals of each coil In the valve.
7.2.2 Cod resistance (hot)
Carry out the test as follows.
a) Soak the complele energized valve, mounted on a subplate recommended by the manufacturer, at its maximum rated temperature and operate the complete valve, fully energized and without flow, until the coil temperature stabilizes
b) Measure and record the electrical resistance between the two leads or terminals of each coil in the valve. The resistance value shall be measured within I S of renioving the supply voltage
7.3 Coil inductance - Optional test
This test method shall not be taken to determine a definitive value of Inductance. The value obtained shall be used for comparison purposes only.