ISO 7240-11:20111 pdf download.Fire detection and alarm systems 一Part 11: Manual call points.
type A
direct operation manual cal point in which the change to the alarm condition is automatic (i.e without the requwernent for further manual action) when the frangible element is broken or displaced
type B
indirect operation manual cal point in which the change to the alarm confMon reqiares a separate manual operation of the operating element by the user after the frangible element is broken or displaced
normal condition
condition in which the frangible element Is undamaged or not displaced and the manual cal point Is operating without giving an alarm or fault sagnal
operating element
mechanical and electncal swching element, part of the manual call point that initiates the alarm signal when operated
operating lace
area of the manual call point that can be the visible part of the frangible element cx the visible area behind it NOTE See Figiøe 1.
specsal tool
device not normally camed by the public (e.g. a eyj. riormay provided by the manufacturer and which is used for replacing or resetting the frangible element
NOTE It is witended to deler unauionzed acss to the manual call point, while being available on sae either at a defin.d bcation or from a responsb perscn lwiiliar with and having knowbiedge of th system
4 Requfrements
4.1 Compliance
In order to comply with this pert of ISO 7240, the manual call point shall meet the requirements of this clause. which shall be veried by visual inspection or engineering assessment, shaM be tested as deso’lbed In Clause 5 arid shall meet the requiements of the tests.
type A
direct operation manual cal point in which the change to the alarm condition is automatic (i.e without the requwernent for further manual action) when the frangible element is broken or displaced
type B
indirect operation manual cal point in which the change to the alarm confMon reqiares a separate manual operation of the operating element by the user after the frangible element is broken or displaced
normal condition
condition in which the frangible element Is undamaged or not displaced and the manual cal point Is operating without giving an alarm or fault sagnal
operating element
mechanical and electncal swching element, part of the manual call point that initiates the alarm signal when operated
operating lace
area of the manual call point that can be the visible part of the frangible element cx the visible area behind it NOTE See Figiøe 1.
specsal tool
device not normally camed by the public (e.g. a eyj. riormay provided by the manufacturer and which is used for replacing or resetting the frangible element
NOTE It is witended to deler unauionzed acss to the manual call point, while being available on sae either at a defin.d bcation or from a responsb perscn lwiiliar with and having knowbiedge of th system
4 Requfrements
4.1 Compliance
In order to comply with this pert of ISO 7240, the manual call point shall meet the requirements of this clause. which shall be veried by visual inspection or engineering assessment, shaM be tested as deso’lbed In Clause 5 arid shall meet the requiements of the tests.