ISO 10392:2011 pdf download

ISO 10392:2011 pdf download.Road vehicles - Determination of centre of gravity.

6.2.2 Lift one axle in steps (three or more steps are recommended). Record the axle load of the other axle and the hfting angle for each position. The maximum lifting angle and the accuracy of the scale used to measure axle load affect the accuracy of the computation of the CG height.
6.2.3 To take the hysteresis into account, lower the lifted axle by steps back to the level position and record axle loads and lifting angle as described In 6.2.2.
6.2.4 Plot the axle loads against the tangent of the corresponding lifting angles and determine the mean value of axle load for a corresponding lifting angle. The plot can also be useful for checking the linearity of the measurements, An alternative to generating the plot is to compute the individual CG heights using the individual load and angle measurements, using the equations provided in 6.5. and then averaging these values to get a final answer.
6.2.5 It is recommended that all the measurements be repeated lifting the other axle.
6.2.6 It may also be desirable to determine the lifting angle from the wheelbase and the elevation of the wheels above the ground for each inclination position. In this case the change in tyre deformation caused by lifting one end of the vehicle shall be taken into consideration.