ISO 13435:2011 pdf download.Textile machinery and accessories —Bars for drop wires for electrical warp stop motions.
ISO 13435 specifies dimensions and tolerances for bars for drop wires for electrical warp stopmotions with continuous contact rail (form E1) or inner split contact rail (form E2).
The dimensions for bars for drop wires for electrical warp stop motions with continuous contact rail formE1)orinner split contact rail (form E2) shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, and given in Table 1, shall be met.
NOTEFor tolerance, b, see Table 1.
2.1 Form E1
For bars for drop wires for electrical warp stop motions with continuous inner contact rail, see Figure 1.
2.2 Form E2
For inner split contact rail for separate control of the left or right half of the weaving machine, see Figure 2.