UL 70:2001 pdf download

UL 70:2001 pdf download.Septic Tanks,Bituminous-Coated Metal.

3.2 Units of measurement
3.2.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information.
3.3 Material
3.3.1 A tank shall be made of commercial-grade steel of suitable welding quality. Only new materials shall be used.
3.4 Thickness of metal
3.4.1 The thickness of sheet metal used in the construction of a tank and all other parts, including the baffles and partihons (where used), shall be No. 14 MSG, nominal thickness 0.075 inch (1.91 mm) or heavier.
3.4.2 The thickness of each piece is to be determined by five micrometer readings spaced equally along an edge of the full piece as rolled. Thickness is to be measured on the sheet not less than 3i8 inch (9.5 mm) from a cut edge and not less than 3)4 inch (19.1 mm) from a mill edge. No measurement is to indicate a thickness of less than 0.067 inch (1.70 mm).
3.5 Load
3.5.1 A tank shall be so constructed that It withstands a uniformly distributed vertical load of 150 pounds per square toot (732 kg/rn2) without permanent distortion.
3.6 Watertightness
3.6.1 A tank shall be construcled so as to be watertight. Fittings or covers or both shall be tight, when properly installed, to prevent the entrance of significant amounts of rain water, surface drainage, or ground water.
3.7 Workmanship
3.7.1 A tank shall be tree from defects that affect its serviceability or durability.