UL 92:2020 pdf download

UL 92:2020 pdf download.Fire Extinguisher, Booster, and Noncollapsible Standpipe Hose and Hose Assemblies.

6.2 The internal diameter is to be measured using (1)8 tapered plug gauge having a taper of 3/8 inch per foot (31 mm/rn). marked to indicate variations of 1164 inch (0.4 mm) in diameter, or (2) a set of plug gauges. step, straight. or ball type. in increments of 0.005 inches (0.13 mm).
6.3 The end of the hose is to be cut square. If a tapered plug gauge is used, the plug gauge is to be inserted into the hose sample until a dose fit is obtained without forcing. The diameter of the gauge at the end of the sample, to the nearest 1/64 inch (0.4 mm). is to be recorded as the internal diameter of the hose. II a set of step, straight, or ball-type plug gauges is used. the diameter of the gauge. that when inserted into the hose sample gives a close fit wTthout forcing. is to be recorded as the internal diameter of the hose.
7 Couplings
7.1 A hose coupling shall be made of corrosion resistant material See Salt Spray Corrosion Test. Section 22.
8 Elongation and Contraction Test
8,1 General
8.1.1 The change in length of the hose or hose assembly, when pressurized from 10 psig (69 kPa) to the maximum working pressure. shall be plus 4 to minus 6 percent for sizes less than 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) and plus 6 to minus 0 percent for sizes 3)4 inch and larger.
8.2 Apparatus
8.2.1 The hydrostatic equipment specified in lAethods 01 Testing Rubber Hose, ASTM D380-94, is to be used lot this test.
8.2.2 The necessary equipment and facilities are to include a test surface or the equivalent that will provide a clear space at least 20 inches (508 mm) wide on each side of a line drawn through the center of the supply connection and parallel to the edges of the test surface
8.3 Method
8.3.1 Samples are to consist of at least one full length. nominally 50 feet (15.24 m), of each size of hose.
To expedite the test procedure, a “nominal length” may be assumed unless the actual length measured at 10 psig (69 kPa) is less than 48 feet (14.63 m) or more than 53 feet (16.15 m). For hose assemblies. the length of the hose between fittings is to be measured.