UL 296:2017 pdf download.Oil Burners.
18.4 A tool which fits snugly about the fitting, or to a section of the shank shaped for a wrench, if suchsection is provided, is to be utilized to apply the turning force. The turning force is to be applied to the hexof the fitting adjacent to where it is attached to piping or, if no hex is provided in this position, to the bodyof the fitting. The measured torque specified in Table 18.1 is to be applied to the fitting to screw it onto anextra-heavy pipe or into a pipe fitting of appropriate size.After the force has been applied, the fitting is notto leak when subjected to a hydrostatic pressure equivalent to one and one-half times the maximumworking pressure.
18.5 Pipe and pipe fittings shall be wrought iron or steel, or iron-pipe-size brass or copper conformingwith the appropriate American National Standard. Unions, where used, shall be the ground-joint type orthe equivalent.
18.6 Tubing shall be arranged to reduce the risk of being physically damaged, such as by following thecontour of the burner assembly.
18.7 Seamless drawn aluminum or copper tubing and steel tubing of the seamless, brazed, or weldedtype employed in the fabrication of factory-assembled equipment shall have a wall thickness of not lessthan that specified in Table 18.2.