UL 867:2000 pdf download.Electrostatic Air Cleaners.
6.8 During the examination of a product to determine whether it complies with the requirements in 6.1 or6.2, a part of the enclosure that may be opened or removed by the user without using a tool (to attach anaccessory, to make an operating adjustment, or for other reasons) is to be opened or removed.
6.9 with reference to the requirements in 6.1 and 6.2,insulated brush caps are not required to beadditionally enclosed.
6.10 lf the opening or removal of a door,a cover, or any other component required for user servicingpermits access to a part that is considered to present a risk of electric shock (see 34.1), the door, cover,or component shall be provided with an interlock switch as specified in 28.2.1-28.2.5 to de-energize theprimary circuit of the high-voltage power supply.
6.11 Unless a mechanical means is provided to discharge to ground any residual charge existing in thehigh-voltage parts after the primary circuit is de-energized, a time-delay feature shall be provided so thatlive parts do not become accessible until residual charges decay as required in 43.1.
7Mechanical Assembly
7.1 General
7.1.1 A product shall be assembled so that it will not be adversely affected by the vibration of normaloperation.
7.1.2 Provision shall be made for mounting a product securely.Bolts,screws, or other parts used formounting the product shall be independent of those used for securing components of the product to theframe, base, or panel.
7.1.3 The mounting assembly shall be capable of supporting four times the weight of the product for 1minute.
Exception: A product that is intended to be mounted to a duct system need not comply with thisrequirenent.
7.1.4 A switch,a lampholder,an attachment-plug receptacle,a motor-attachment plug,or similarcomponent shall be mounted securely and shall be prevented from turning.