UL 943:2006 pdf download.Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters.
5.8.5 All joints shall be provided with insulation suitable for the temperature, voltage, and intended use ofthe conductors themselves, in accordance with applicable requirements of the relevant componentStandards listed in Annex A,Ret.No.5, or shall comply with Spacings, Clause 5.12,or Alternate spacings- clearances and creepage distances, Clause 5.13.Compliance shall be determined by conducting theVisual inspection test, Clause 6.22.
5.9 Field wiring
5.9.1 A ground-fault circuit-interrupter intended for permanent connection to the branch circuit shall beprovided with means for the connection of wires having an ampacity in accordance with the NationalElectrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70, and the Canadian Electrical Code, C22.1,and Electrical lnstallations(Use),NOM-O01-SEDE.
5.9.2 In a permanently connected ground-fault circuit-interrupter,either:
a) Acceptable barriers shall be employed to separate load-circuit conductors and terminals fromterminals and conductors of any other circuit,or
b) All such parts shall be insulated for the maximum voltage of either circuit.
5.9.3 lf a ground-fault circuit-interrupter is provided with leads for connection to the branch circuit,theleads shall not be more than two sizes smaller than the size referred to in 5.9.1 and shall not be smallerthan 2.082 mm2 (14 AWG).
5.9.4 A lead-type terminal shall be so constructed as to withstand the stress of normal handling withoutdamage to the ground-fault circuit-interrupter. To determine compliance,each terminal lead shall besubjected to the force described in 6.1.5.
5.9.5 Green coloring with or without one or more yellow stripes and white or gray coloring shall not beused for the covering of a terminal lead unless intended for connection to grounding and groundedconductors respectively.See also 8.2.5.