BS ISO 10667-1:2011 pdf download

BS ISO 10667-1:2011 pdf download.Assessment service delivery Procedures and methods to assess people in work and organizational settings Part 1: Requirements for the client. 0.5 Types of assessment covered by ISO 10667 ISO 10667 covers proce...


BS EN ISO 10510:2011 pdf download

BS EN ISO 10510:2011 pdf download.Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plain washers. This document (EN ISO 105102011) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISOITC 2 Fasteners in collaboration with Technical Committee CENITC 185 Faste...


BS ISO/IEC 29143:2011 pdf download

BS ISO/IEC 29143:2011 pdf download.Information technology -Automatic identification and data capture techniques Air interface specification for Mobile RFID interrogators. Due to the lack of a dedicated control channel for Mobile RFID interro...


BS ISO 24631-6:2011 pdf download

BS ISO 24631-6:2011 pdf download.Radio frequency identification of animals art 6: Representation of animal identification information (visual display/data transfer). The retagging counter value, user information field value and value represe...


ISO 6627:2011 pdf download

ISO 6627:2011 pdf download.lnternal combustion engines -Pistonrings - Expanderl segment oil-controlrings. ISO 6627 specifies the essential dimensional features of expander/segment oil-control rings, without providing a complete product descr...


ISO 4016:2011 pdf download

ISO 4016:2011 pdf download.Hexagon head bolts - Product grade c. If. in special cases, specifications other than those listed in this International Standard are required, they can be selected from existing International Standards, for exampl...


ISO 9836:2011 pdf download

ISO 9836:2011 pdf download.Performance standards in building-Definition and calculation of area and space indicators. 5.1.1 Calculation principles Surfaces which are horizontal or vertical are measured by their actual cmensions. For...


BS ISO 16000-3:2011 pdf download

BS ISO 16000-3:2011 pdf download.Indoor air Part 3: Determination of formaldehyde andother carbonyl compounds in indoor air and test chamber air Active sampling method. 6.2 Sample preparation 6.2.1 Cartridge containers. e.g. borosibcate ass...


ISO 3364:2011 pdf download

ISO 3364:2011 pdf download.lndexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, with cylindrical fixing hole - Dimensions. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this documen...


ISO 2867:2011 pdf download

ISO 2867:2011 pdf download.Earth-moving machinery - Access systems. 6.1.2 Walkway, passageway and platform surfaces shall meet the following cflteria: prevent the passage of a sphencal object of diameter 20 mm or larger where persons are nor...
